Good post thanks. Personally, National's top rate tax cut was the one red line I had remaining against voting for them in 2023. It will be an interesting year if the election is primarily on which party can lead NZ back out of recession back into a growing economy.
Suggest you talk to some economists employed by banks or right wing think tanks about the way monetary policy is being (mis)used to address the factors behind the current cost of living rises.
Goeff Bertram, for example - he gave a recent talk on cost of living to the Fabian Society which is worth watching.
Good post thanks. Personally, National's top rate tax cut was the one red line I had remaining against voting for them in 2023. It will be an interesting year if the election is primarily on which party can lead NZ back out of recession back into a growing economy.
Suggest you talk to some economists employed by banks or right wing think tanks about the way monetary policy is being (mis)used to address the factors behind the current cost of living rises.
Goeff Bertram, for example - he gave a recent talk on cost of living to the Fabian Society which is worth watching.
Oops - in the first sentwnce I mean talk to economists not employed by banks/right wing think tanks.