Just wondering, would Bill English have scored 30 million from Bill Gates? Like Jacinda has receieved from Melinda Gates (all those rumouors of ill gotten gains of around 30m from a few years ago were right on the mark wern’t they..)


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Goddawful. The only question I’d have is how much would English have rolled over for the likes of Pfizer. And I cannot believe for an instant that you or anyone else on the payroll of our Blackrocked media believed in the “Pandemic” anymore than I did.

English should have been PM though but the world’s bankers parachuted a Merrill Lynch guy in.

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By the way Henry there’s still a story there about Key’s time in London. How he sold his house there in 2007 at about 3m pounds above the going rate in that part of London to a Russian banker closely associated with Putin. How his sister scored a property for a pound in consideration. And of course how Key himself scored his property in Hawaii for $10 in consideration. And how David Fisher said this was quite normal.

Go to it Henry, do some real journalism.

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Total bollocks! From start to finish

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Thanks for reading Mike 🫡

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Another possibility: Trumpist and/or Corbynist politics could well have gained stronger momentum under English, than it would have under Ardern.

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As opposed to say Urewera politics you reckon?

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Sorry, cannot believe National would have tried to eradicate M.Bovis. Guy hadn't fully believed in and implemented NAIT and the disease had just reached our shores. Guy was MIA

Re Covid19. To me the crucial number is number of deaths. You compared Australia where Labor led states, Vic and WA, kept that number low by strict lockdowns. The other states weren't that successful. Compare NZ on that basis

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There was no pandemic. It was a con. I’m sorry that you’re really stupid.

Now that we have that out of the way shall we compare the tyranny of Andrew’s Victoria or McGowan’s WA and compare that to the tyranny of Ardern’s. Who was the worse off? Who was the biggest shit in service of Pfizer and the American DOD? Why did our media (including ‘Enry) not point out that Bloomfield is a military boy?


When do we turn the tables on all these pricks? What would a suitable punishment be?

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